Home Energy Solutions (HES) is a certified ENERGY STAR Rating Corporation, recognized by the EPA, NYSERDA, RESNET and the Long Island Power Authority. We certify new home construction into the ENERGY STAR Labeled Homes Program (ESLH). HES specializes in new home energy ratings, diagnostic testing, inspections, and building science consultation. Our mission is to assist clients in cost-effectively improving energy efficiency. This is achieved by taking a comprehensive, whole-house approach resulting in improved energy efficiency and home comfort, while helping to protect the environment. At HES we practice what we preach. As we ask you to strive for efficiency, we will do the same with regard to providing our services in a manner that yields maximum savings over the lifespan of the home. Our years of experience allows us to recognize and successfully evaluate the pitfalls and the problems that can arise when taking on an aggressive energy conservation program from implementation to completion. Contact us for HERS Rating New York.
Here on Long Island, where most local building departments have adopted ESLH as their new building code, we are constantly working as a key contributor in bridging the gap between our clients and the local building departments. HES knows how to keep the permit process moving, so builders and homeowners don’t lose precious time in progressing forward. HES is an NAHB approved Green Verifier. In addition to providing ENERGY STAR certification on your project, we can also provide the 3rd party inspections and testing required for this program. And we specialize in heating and cooling loads calculation New York.
Our experience has made HES the Go-to Home Energy Raters, due to our diligence in ensuring that our clients’ homes run as efficiently as possible. HES worked closely with Jill Kornman on the remodel of her beach home, which received national recognition for its energy efficiency. Ms. Kornman’s home was a part of the American Solar Energy Society’s National Solar Tour. Of the 70 homes located on Long Island that were a part of this prestigious tour, the Kornman residence received the highest Energy Star rating. Click here to take a closer look at this model of energy efficiency excellence.
Our experience in the ENERGY STAR program has earned recognition from the U.S. EPA in the form of its Leadership in Housing Awards 2008-2012. In addition, LIPA has recognized HES as an Outstanding Participant in the New York ENERGY STAR Labeled Homes Program.
HES is extremely proud to have received recognition for our outstanding participation in LIPA’s New York ENERGY STAR Labeled Homes Program.
Our Awards
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
2008-2013, HES has been recognized by the EPA with the “Leadership in Housing Award” consistently for the past six years.
Long Island Power Authority (LIPA)
2009-2013, Every year LIPA recognizes the trades that work with them to reduce the demand side of electrical energy. Every year for the past four years HES. has been awarded New Home Energy Rater, certifying over 800 new homes in 2013 alone.
United States Green building Council (USGBC)
2012 USGBC sent out a national challenge to design an Efficient and Affordable Housing design.
HES along with Bush Associates, a local Architectural firm out of Bay shore New York placed second receiving accolades for the “Back to Basic’s” house that keeps construction costs down while scoring very high in energy efficiency.